Organic Baby Formula


An increasing number of young parents are opting for a natural diet and food from organic farming, especially for their own children. But what happens when a baby cannot be breastfed? Organic baby formula is one possible solution.

An organic product is one whose components are grown away from factories, without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Milk comes from cows raised on feed without bone meal, antibiotics, and hormones. What’s more, these cows graze in meadows free of any chemicals.

Organic infant nutrition


Even before they learn to crawl, children can watch their parents grow plants in urban gardens or on balconies. So as they are still breastfeeding and before they first start eating adult food, they can experience all the benefits of organic products that come straight from nature. It’s important to remember that mother’s milk is the perfect, ultimately natural food for babies.

But what should a mother do if there’s no opportunity to breastfeed and you have to feed your little one from a bottle? What if parents very much appreciate organic products? The only alternative is high-quality organic baby formula that takes into account your baby’s every need.

The production of baby food is always regulated by very strict laws, recommendations, and guidelines. While both conventional and organic formulae are regulated by laws, the production must also comply with additional regulations. According to the EU rules, a minimum of 95% of infant food ingredients must be organic.

Organic infant formula brands

There are a great many of European baby food manufacturers that offer high-quality products. All of them are EU-certified and marked by the organic Euroleaf logo. There are, however, two undisputed leaders among them, HiPP and Holle.

You won’t find the international certification logo on HiPP packaging. According to HiPP specialists, the requirements of these certificates are not rigid enough. This is why the manufacturer has developed its own, which it controls and monitors independently. This says something about the brand’s dedication to quality.

The Switzerland-based brand Holle is Demeter-certified. This means that the principles of biodynamic farming were followed in the production of the components of all the company’s products. This gives customers confidence in the Holle brand and the Demeter mark confirms the highest quality of the formulae and the absence of all kinds of chemicals.

Why are organic products popular?


Consumers always tend towards all-natural products. People all around the world want their food to come from Mother Nature itself, with as little processing between a farm and their table as possible.

But in terms of baby formula, there is more to consider than this ultimate naturalness of food. The process of creating organic products attracts the attention of buyers. The highlights include animal wellbeing, protecting the environment, and conserving biodiversity.

Consumer behavior, how people treat the environment they live in, and food preferences transform, sometimes incredibly fast. But one thing stays unchanged: parents want to give their children the best and provide the basis for a happy and healthy adulthood. Infant food manufacturers, whether EU-based or US-based, understand this and help parents in their mission by offering them special nutrition for children.