How to Use High Performance/Ultimate Power Plan in Windows


If you have ever wondered how to use the High Performance/Ultimate power plan setting in Windows 10, then this article is for you. We will discuss the purpose of the power saving preferences and how to use it. You will learn about the different power plans available in Windows and how to configure them.

Big thanks to “p4r4n3d” for allowing us to use his article here.

Windows 10 allows you to use a combination of power plans and different battery scenarios to determine how much power your computer consumes. There are two power plans: High performance and not-so-high performance. The ability to select these two is found in the left pane under the power plan settings (in Windows 10).

Madalina has been a Windows user since she initially installed Windows XP on her computer. She is fascinated by all things technological, particularly new technologies such as artificial intelligence and DNA computing.

  • There’s been a lot of discussion and argument over why the High-Performance power plan is the best for your device.
  • You could also choose the Balanced Power Plan, which uses less energy while providing similar results.
  • Also, power plans do not effect gaming as much as one might believe, so keep that in mind while choosing your power settings.
  • This article will explain how each power plan works and how to switch between them in a step-by-step manner.

The Windows 10 Spring Creators Update introduces a new power plan, which is enabled by default for all users. It’s called Ultimate Performance Plan, and it’s ideal for when you need your gadget to function at its best.

This new feature allows the OS to change your computer’s behavior based on your preferences, the current Registry policy, your hardware configuration, and your workload.

The Ultimate Performance Plan, as one might expect, expands on the High-Performance strategy and was created to eliminate all micro-latencies.

This plan is enabled by default, as indicated at the beginning of this article, but some of you may not require all of that power. As a result, some people may prefer to turn it off to save battery life.

We’ll explain everything you need to know about the power plans available in your operating system, as well as how to switch between them based on your needs.

What is the High Performance power plan, and why would you want to utilize it?


Before we get started, keep in mind that this isn’t the only power mode available on your Windows device; we’ll go through the other alternatives later in the post.

Let’s concentrate on this for the time being. In other words, the High Performance / Ultimate Power Plan compels your CPU to run at maximum P-state at all times, whereas the Ultimate Power Plan forces both P-states and C-states to run at maximum all the time.

To give you a better idea, High-Performance power plans block package sleep states and/or CPU downclocking to lock the CPU into a higher overall power level.

The idea is that the CPU will not have to squander a single millisecond ramping up to high speed.

However, there are some situations in which the High-Performance power plans can be beneficial, and we’re mostly talking about multi-threaded workloads.

Consider that deactivating core or package sleep states will reduce boost performance because the processor relies on putting underutilized cores to sleep in order to reallocate socket power to boosting cores.

The only effect of the High-Performance plan is higher idle power and decreased lightly-threaded boost performance most of the time.

Please keep in mind that these options are largely for workstations and servers that are designed to run several jobs consistently and for long periods of time.

They aren’t actually designed for gaming computers, as using them wastes energy and generates unneeded heat.

What are the differences between P-states and C-states?

We wouldn’t leave you in the dark about the more technical phrases that not everyone is familiar with, so be assured.

The operating system and CPU can optimize power usage during code execution by using distinct P-states (performance states).

A CPU operates at various frequencies depending on the individual requirements. P0 corresponds to the greatest frequency and voltage.

C-States are used to optimize or reduce power consumption in idle mode, as opposed to P-States, which were created to optimize power consumption during code execution.

For all reasons, the balanced power strategy is recommended.

Companies like AMD promote Balanced power plans and automatically configure one with the chipset driver for AMD Ryzen 3000 Series processors for the same reasons we described in the High-Performance power plan section.

When there is no demand for voltage from your task, balanced mode allows your CPU to downclock.

This power plan is optimized for idle power, boost responsiveness, multi-threaded performance, and lightly threaded boost.

Isn’t the Balanced Power Plan going to have an impact on my gaming?


The answer is no, not really, contrary to popular belief. The truth is that there are so many different sources of information on the internet that it’s difficult to know what to trust.

When gaming, keep in mind that a computer’s CPU ramps up in microseconds, which is an almost imperceptible period of time.

This will happen as soon as you start the game and will be there as long as you require it. It will not cause micro-stuttering or have an impact on your FPS or overall performance.

The micro-stutter you may experience occasionally while playing your favorite game is not caused by the Balanced power plan.

Instead, it could happen for a variety of reasons, including entering a vertical sync range, a hardware issue, faulty code in the game, or a problem with your firewall.

It might also be because you’re using the game DVR or other intrusive apps, your cooler isn’t powerful enough, you need to reinstall your drivers, and there have even been reports of unused USB devices, such as mice, causing stuttering.

Disable extraneous apps from starting up at launch, and delete any third-party antivirus or OEM software if you have a prebuilt computer if you want your games to run as smoothly as possible.

Also, make sure your GPU drivers are up to current as needed, and that you have enough cooling/airflow to avoid thermal throttling.

How to turn off Windows 10’s and Windows 11’s Ultimate Performance Plan

So, after reading all of the information we gave above, you’ve decided to switch to a different power plan than the one you’re now using. Whether you’re running Windows 10 or Windows 11, we’ll show you how to accomplish it.

Let’s start with Windows 10, as it’s the most experienced operating system. This is how you go about doing it.

  1. Settings can be accessed via the Start menu or by pressing Windows key + I.
  2. Choose the System option
  3. Select Power & Sleep from the left side panel and then click on Additional power settings
  4. Choose the power plan that best suits your current setup

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s move on to Windows 11 and see how we may adjust the power plan settings on this new operating system.

It’s a very basic operation, so don’t be shocked if you think Microsoft made switching between these power alternatives much more difficult. Here’s how to use Windows 11:

  1. From the Start menu, or by pressing Windows key + I, go to Settings.
  2. Select the System tab and then click on the Power & battery buttns.
  3. Select the plan that you believe is most suited for your needs from the menu by pressing the Power mode button.

It’s as simple as that. Isn’t it straightforwars?

There’s been a lot of discussion over which power scheme is better for the jobs you’re doing or the rig you’re doing them on.

You may now make your own decision based on the information presented in this article and determine which option will best suit you in the long run.

For your device, which of the different power plans have you chosen? Please share your thoughts in the comments box below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you use a high performance power plan?

A high performance power plan is a type of power plan that uses more advanced settings than the default Windows 10 power plan. These settings are typically used for gaming or other tasks that require a lot of processing power.

Should I enable ultimate performance Windows 10?

Yes, it will make your computer faster.

How do I unlock Windows High Performance power plan?

Windows 10 has a built-in power plan called High Performance. To access it, open the Power Options menu and click on Change Plan Settings.